Colts Hockey
If you are looking to start playing junior hockey at Ben Rhydding please contact Lucy Wilkinson for Boys ([email protected]) or Caroline Hall for Girls ([email protected]) in the first instance as vacancies are limited.
Welcome to a new season at Ben Rhydding Hockey Club. The highlight of last season saw both a boys team and a girls team reaching the National Finals, but results from all age groups continue to demonstrate our strength across the board. The new season brings new challenges and I look forward to your assistance to ensure that your club continues to be the Club of the North.
Our success can be measured by achievements on pitch, the success of our teams and the success of individuals as they endeavour to meet their aspirations.
Boys and Girls have the opportunity to develop other skills such as Umpiring and Delivering hockey drills through our Young Leaders course. We delivered one course during the summer. They can make a significant contribution to the club and we will support them to develop these skills further if they choose.
We also welcome parents to join us and be part of the team. If you would like to assist in coaching, then we can give you those skills, if you’re good at organising then please help the coaches with some of the administrative tasks on match days or simply help make the club a welcoming place and help out in the kitchen or behind the bar.
As a club we endeavour to offer opportunities for players of wide ranging abilities, providing a framework within which you can enjoy playing hockey and the coaches and organisers can also enjoy being part of that success.
The website contains some very important information for the colts and their parents / guardians, so having read this far, please take time to read through the booklet to make sure you know your responsibilities.
Ben Rhydding Hockey Club is recognised as being a friendly and sociable club, the clubhouse is normally open on a Friday evening, so please continue to come along and have a chat over a pint or glass of wine and a bite to eat! Remember to check the club website throughout the season for weather and match reports.
Success will only continue if we all work for it, so please play your part in ensuring we have another successful season. It is “your” club.
Neil Sugden – Chair Boys Colts Section
Abby Box – Chair Girls Colts Section