Ben Rhydding Hockey Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well being of its members. The Club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare for others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they have with initially their Coach or Neil Sugden for boys, Abby Box for girls or the Safeguarding Team. As a member of Ben Rhydding Hockey Club you are expected to abide by the following junior club rules:
- All members must play within the rules of the game and respect officials & their decisions.
- All members must respect opponents.
- Members should aim to be prompt for training sessions and matches and inform their coach or manager if they know they are going to be late.
- Members must wear suitable kit for warming up, training and matches and come prepared for the weather conditions, including wearing of gum- shields and shin pads at all times including training sessions.
- Players must avoid using inappropriate language.
- Players must avoid rough or violent play.
- Players are expected to show support for team mates and for other children sharing the training session, bullying or intimidating behaviour will not be tolerated .
- Any kind of alcohol or substance abuse will not be tolerated.
- Support coaches and officials and offer support in administration and transport where needed.
Safety in & around the Clubhouse & Grounds
- Whilst waiting for the start of a coaching session, stick work or I dangerous and uncontrolled hitting of the ball will not be tolerated.
- Players should not enter the pitch until the previous session or match has finished. Players wishing to warm up may do so on the grass outside the Clubhouse. Please be aware of any danger to others.
- Juniors awaiting collection should wait within the fenced area of the astroturf pitch until a recognised adult arrives to collect them
- The area behind the pitch by the riverbank is strictly OUT OF BOUNDS to everyone
The training and match programme are aimed at developing a colt over an entire season; therefore regular attendance is essential once enrolled. We ask all players to remember that they are playing for BRHC and that their behaviour on and off the field, when at the club or representing the club should be of the highest standard.
Disciplinary procedure:
If for any reason colts step outside the guidelines the following procedures will take place:
- In the first instance the Coach or Team Manager should tackle any issues arising with the player concerned and this may then be referred to the Head Coach.
- If disruption or disregard for the Junior Club rules continues whilst representing the club, the Coach or Manager will discuss the issue with the parents/guardian.
- If the issue or behaviour cannot be resolved by a) and b) the Colts committee will have the final say on what course of action is to be taken.